Lorien Mary Ducar


Lorien Ducar



Work in progress

Delivery & Recovery

Pictures of Lorien

    G-ma Marylin (1 wk)

    G-ma & G-pa Ducar (2 wks)

    Aunt Robyn (5 wks)

    Aunt Debbie (6 wks)

    * St. Louis trip (10 wks)

    Uncle Sean (12 wks)

    * 1st beach trip (15 wks)

    * Videos (19+ wks)

Lorien's first trip to the beach

The local dive shop had a beach day, so we brought along the sun tent and joined them for BBQ & diving.
Lorien hanging out in her tent having a good time
Mom, Karin, & Lorien escaping from the sun
Having some "tummy time" on her changing station
All daddy wants is to drink his coffee and use the computer....
When we went to have her passport photos done, we got this one taken as well